European Environment Agency (EEA)

EEA (European Environment Agency) is an EU agency assigned to provide reliable and independent information on the state of the environment. EEA aims to support sustainable development by helping to achieve significant and measurable improvement in Europe's environment, through the provision of timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information to policymaking agents and the public. EEA's mandate is to help the community and member countries make informed decisions about improving the environment by integrating environmental considerations into economic policies and moving towards sustainability; in addition, it is tasked with coordinating the work of the European environment information and observation network (Eionet). Environment-related topics EEA deals with include Biodiversity - Ecosystems, Soil, Land use, Climate change adaptation and mitigation, Sustainability transitions, and Agriculture, and according to EEA, the agricultural sector is an important player and can be expected to become more so in the future in the face of increased demands for food, fibre and energy. The trade-offs between different CAP interventions and other policy areas require careful consideration. EEA promotes a transition towards innovative low-input systems, such as employing organic and precision farming techniques, while recognising that such a transition will require powerful and coherent policy interventions, together with green economy, climate, ecosystem resilience and other policy actions.